This test serves for detecting the post-menopausal stage - the time after the last monthly period (= postmenopause). By testing in the privacy at home, this test gives certainty whether or not the menopause is underway.
Obviously, it is highly probable that a woman will have the menopause after the age of 51 but there is a variation range from 39 - 59 years. Knowing whether she is entering the menopause is of interest to a woman, so she can now talk with her doctor about a hormone therapy and her personal risk of osteoporosis. Basically, hormone adjustments are responsible for causing the menopause. Before the postmenopause, the value of the hormone FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) fluctuates between 10 and 20 mlU FSH/ml.
After the menopause, the hormone concentration rises over 25 mlU FSH/ml and remains at a permanently increased level. This leads to the typical menopause symptoms of hot flushes, itching vagina, sweating, sleep disturbances, depression, heart problems, decline in sexual desire, dryness of the eyes, joint pain or constipation.
This test can be performed at any time of the day but it is recommended to use the first urine in the morning as it contains the highest hCG-concentration.
Contents: 2 test sticks (foil wrapped), instruction for use
Methodology: Immunochromatographic rapid test
Proof: FSH
Sample type: Urine